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2020 BI - Teladoc Rate Update

Posted by: Meg Cipar    Oct 8, 2019

After eight years and only two rate increases, Benefit Intelligence is excited to announce another year with no rate increase.

BI_Teladoc_Aggregator_smThe UBA Partner rates for Teladoc through the Benefit Intelligence aggregator agreement will remain the same for 2020.

In addition to the rate pass, we are excited to bring new options and features to our Partners! BI - Teladoc is now a Marketplace partner provider for Employee Navigator. This means free file feeds for your groups that are on the Employee Navigator platform and use Benefit Intelligence for their Teladoc administration. And we now have options for no copay dermatology and behavioral health programs.

Contact Nicole Winslow with Benefit Intelligence at 480.892.4207 or nicole@benefitintelligence.com with any questions.

Topics: Teladoc
