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NAHU Operation Shout!

Posted by: Meg Cipar    May 14, 2018

Take Action! Tell your Congressional representative to support H.R. 5138 for NAHU-backed HSA reforms.

Take Action!

Capitol_1.jpgOn March 1, Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced H.R. 5138, the Bipartisan HSA Improvement Act. The legislation includes several provisions NAHU has advocated in recent years to address issues with HSAs and employer-sponsored coverage. The legislation seeks to promote flexibility, encourage innovation and expand access to HSAs by aligning HSA regulations with the most effective cost-containment strategies that will help consumers save money and stay healthy.

Specifically, the legislation would:
  1. Allow HSA plans to offer pre-deductible coverage of health services at onsite employee clinics and retail health clinics.
  2. Allow HSA plans to offer pre-deductible coverage for services and medication that manage chronic conditions.
  3. Permit the use of HSA dollars toward wellness benefits, including excise and other expenses associated with physical activity.
  4. Clarify that employers can offer "excepted benefits" like telehealth and second-opinion services to employees with an HSA plan.
  5. Correct the definition of "dependents," streamline FSA conversion and fix the prohibition on a spouse using an HSA.

Contact your representative today! NAHU is calling on all members to send an Operation Shout asking your member of Congress to support H.R. 5138.

Don't want to send an email? You can also reach your senators by phone through the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Take Action

This call to action is designed as an email message to your legislators. You are welcome to use the prepared text as talking points to call your legislators, or to expand on the prepared message to share your personal story on how this issue will impact you and your clients.

Topics: NAHU
